Saturday, January 16, 2010


I had such high intentions with the Quiltathon but I seem to have fallen flat on my face. I spent Friday night and most of Saturday babysitting for niece and nephew. We had a blast but I got very little sewing done. Here we they are making homemade pizza for dinner. Of course, we had to go to plan B the Golden Arches, as I burned the pizza. In my defense, I was cooking in my sister's oven and I was not used to it. I also burned a pan of sugar cookies on Saturday. I brought some hand piecing along to work on if the kids entertained themeselves. They did finally went in the bedroom to play and I was able to get this much done. I will be getting up early on Sunday and hope to get much more done. Check out Judy L's blog to see what others are getting done.
In stitcehs,

1 comment:

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Such is life but frankly, those memories with and for the kids are much more important than the well-intentioned sewing. Be careful though... you may become known as the aunt who can't cook without burning it. lol