Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stash Report

I had such plans for my stash report this week. I so wanted to finish the baby quilt for the shower today, but life happens when you have other plans. I ended up with a nasty head cold and that stopped my sewing altogether. And then we got busy again at work and the mandatory is back!!!! Ten hours a week until they say it is over.

Used this Week: 0 yds
Used year to Date: 61.875 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 98.583 yards
Net Used for 2010: -36.708 yards
Now that it is fall check in at Judy;s to see if people are using their stash or using it for insulation for the upcoming winter months!!!
In stitches,


Kathie said...

well at least you didn't add to your stash, that is always good. Hope your so busy time is over soon.

Barb in Mi said...

Hmm, insulation - what an idea ;-)
Hope you are feeling better - and work is going back to normal soon!