Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

I am happy to report that I have finished my second day back at my old job and things are going great. I have already put in 4 hours of overtime and it's only Tuesday!! All the issues I had been having have been worked out. I went two days without email and I must sent out dozens of emails daily for my job. I am getting back into the swing of things but I have not sewed for two days. I am hoping to get back to my monochromatic challenge tomorrow night. I need to do small steps towards the sewing. More overtime for tomorrow.

I am going to bed now. I am getting up early and doing my overtime in the morning and then decide about after work overtime. I plan to do as much overtime as is allowed. I am now a temporary worker and I have to pay for cobra, so no more fabric for me. My new mantra is "shop from my stash".

In stitches,


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