Thursday, March 21, 2013

Still no sewing

Still no sewing done here. I am fighting with a head cold and not giving into it, but not the least bit motivated to sew. I do need to start Elly's Easter dress. They will be here next Friday and the dress is still just a thought. The house also needs cleaning and menus planned. Lots to do and not much time. 

Spring is here in Ohio and I woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground and cold temperatures. The sun is out but that can be so deceiving. The outlook is for more cold weather. 

I have purchased some seeds and want to start them but I will not do that until after the Brooklyn people leave. I do not need a bunch of seed pots cluttering the house. If I cannot dig in the dirt outside, I can at least dig in the dirt in my dining room. I have lots of grand ideas for the yard this summer, but we shall see where that goes. I need to get my lawn mower fixed. First I need to drain out some of the gas before transporting it to the repair shop. Never a dull moment around here!!

In stitches,



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