Thursday, February 9, 2012

So many things on my plate

There are so many things on my plate today. First of all a full day at work. People will be in training so the phones might be hopping today. I am trying to get the rest of binding stitched down on the raffle quilt. I will be seeing my sister tomorrow at a family funeral and it would save me a trip to Kentucky to drop it off. I also want to wear a shirt to the funeral that needs a sweater over it. The sweater is missing a button so I have picked up new buttons at JoAnn's last night and I need to replace all the buttons on that sweater. I have a meeting tonight so that will cut into my sewing time. But I would not miss that meeting except for snow. And none is in the forecast for today. Guess I will be sewing until my eyes cross tonight!

In stitches,

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